julius|lyles ©2025

“Art isn't a mirror, but a window or lens for criticism, provoking sociocultural change within external and internal development.”


· About the Artist
· Exhibitions
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P.O.Box 43021
Richmond Heights, Ohio 44143



Black Numinous Delights

new works by Julius Lyles 

Exhibition: Jan. 15th. to March 12th. 2015 Opening Night Reception: Thursday Jan. 15th. 2015
5:00 until 8:00
Closing Night: Thursday March 12th. 2015 12:00 until 4:00 

Black Numinous Delights presents the study of the true beauty of individualism from racial identity, assimilation and unjustified circumstances.

Exploring the properties of the effect of a fear-based social institution that appeal to the viewers’ senses, as opposed to the individuals struggle from themselves. 

Found inflammatory objects with propagandistic racist histories inspire much of this new body of work. The work ranges from fabricated natural and artificial environments, illuminated sculptures that incorporate photographic imagery constructed from recycled materials, an arrangement of paintings illustrating historical representations and assemblages incorporating historical memorabilia, reused and recycled materials. 

Artist Lecture at 6:15 p.m. 

Musical Selections by:
Cassandra Wilson, Art Ensemble of Chicago, John Coltrane, and the incredible SunRa 

Gallery hours: Wednesday through Friday, 10 AM to 4 pm, Saturday 12 noon to 4 pm or by prior appointment
(Free Parking, Handicapped accessible) 

The Sculpture Center is a not-for-profit arts institution dedicated to the advancement of the careers of emerging Ohio sculptors and the preservation of Ohio outdoor sculpture as a means to provide support for artists and to effect the enrichment, education, enjoyment, and visual enhancement of the Cleveland community and greater region.

The Sculpture Center
1834 E 123rd Street
Cleveland, OH 44106

Tel. 216.229.6527